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Copenhagen Contemporary: Christian Lemmerz og Lars Top-Galia samarbejder om Eyescape


Copenhagen Contemporary skriver på sin Facebookside om et samarbejde mellem billedkunstneren Christian Lemmerz og guitaristen Lars Top-Galia fra Sort Sol:

Seks aftener i august er der mulighed for at opleve skabelsen af udstillingen 'Eyescape', når kunstneren Christian Lemmerz og guitaristen Lars Top-Galia fra Sort Sol indgår i et unikt improvisationssamarbejde. Til lyden af Top-Galias guitar-improvisationer skaber Lemmerz seks 3x9m store malerier.
Hver aftens lydværk og maleri udgør således sin egen unikke performance og som noget helt særligt inviteres publikum til at få et sjældent indblik i den private og personlige proces, det kan være at skabe et kunstværk.

Improvisationsarbejdet mellem Lemmerz og Top-Galia kan opleves d. 21., 22. og 23. august samt d. 28., 29. og 30. august. Alle performances vil finde sted inden for tidsrummet kl. 18-20, men varer så længe, det tager Lemmerz at male aftenens maleri.
Disse aftener vil der være bar med gratis øl så længe lager haves og mulighed for at købe vin. Det er gratis at opleve performances efter betalt entré.

Efter de seks aftenperformances vil udstillingen stå i sit færdige udtryk, stadig med spor af processens rå karakter. Her vil Lemmerz’ malerier kunne opleves som monumentale friser i den 1.000 m2 store udstillingshal, hvor højttalere i midten af rummet vil afspille Top-Galias guitarsoli.
Ved at invitere publikum til et kig ind i kunstnerens proces leger Lemmerz og Top-Galia med associationer som voyeurisme, ekshibitionisme og kunstnerklichéer. Målet er dog at åbne op for den improviserede skaberproces, hvor maleri og musik både nærer og udfordrer hinanden og til slut udmunder i en fælles komposition.

Udstillingen skabes specifikt til CCs nye hal 5 og er støttet af Statens Kunstfond og realiseret i samarbejde med artFREQ.

Vi gør opmærksom på, at der på aftenerne vil blive filmet med formålet at dokumentere Lemmerz og Top-Galias arbejde.

er født i Tyskland (f. 1959), og han bor og arbejder i dag i Italien og Danmark. På den katolske kostskole, hvor han gik som ung, begyndte han at tegne, og i kunsten fandt han en flugtvej fra skolens strenge religiøse miljø. Efter at være blevet uddannet klassisk billedhugger på kunstakademiet i Carrara i Italien fra 1978-82 var han fra 1982-86 indskrevet på Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi. Lemmerz udtrykker sig i en række medier: film, performance, skulptur, tegning, maleri og installationsværker. Han har udforsket ukonventionelle materialer, f.eks. i hans tidlige margarineskulpturer og slagtede grise udstillet i glasmontrer på Esbjerg Kunstmuseum. Med udgangspunkt i samfundsaktuelle temaer udtrykker han sig i sit skulpturelle arbejde i traditionelle materialer som bronze og marmor, der ofte tager afsæt i renæssancens og klassicismens formsprog. Selv ser han sig først og fremmest som tegner, hvilket man kan opleve, når han udfolder sig på lærredet foran CCs publikum. I en kontinuerlig undersøgelse af eksistensens store emner som identitet, kærlighed, lidelse og død finder vi i hans værker også kristne symboler såsom tornekronen og den nøgne Kristus, og ofte refererer de til tabubelagte emner og til både nutidige og historiske begivenheder. Lemmerz blev tildelt livsvarig ydelse fra Statens Kunstfond i 2010 og modtog desuden Thorvaldsen Medaillen i 2009 og Eckersberg Medaillen i 1998. Af større udstillinger kan nævnes Limelight, Charlottenborg, 1986; Scene, Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, 1994; The White of the Eye, Kunstforeningen GL STRAND, 2001 samt Genfærd, ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, 2010. Senest har han skabt flere monumentale værker i marmor og bronze, bl.a. den 3,5 meter store bronzeskulptur Lazarus, doneret af Ny Carlsbergfondet til Bispebjerg Hospital. Siden 2017 har Lemmerz arbejdet med virtual reality og skabt værkerne La Apparizione og TRAUM, som siden er blevet vist i Italien, Kina, Tyskland og Danmark.

(f. 1964) primære virke har været som komponist og guitarist i rockbandet Sort Sol gennem 35 år. Han har i denne kontekst udgivet i omegnen af 10 albums, turneret i store dele af verden samt modtaget en lang række hædersbevisninger, herunder 10 DMA Awards, hvor æresprisen for livslang kunstnerisk indsats i 2017 kan fremhæves. Top-Galia har komponeret en række af bandets mest kendte klassikere som ’Let Your Fingers Do the Walking’, men også mange langt mørkere kompositioner som f.eks. hele Sort Sols seneste stærkt kritikerroste album Stor langsom stjerne fra 2017. Karrieren (både solo og med band) byder yderligere på en række kunstneriske samarbejder med navne inden for film, dans, kunst, radio, TV og musik: Jóhann Jóhannsson, Ole Bornedal, Link Wray, Stephen O’Malley, Martin Hall, Linda Wendel, Kirsten Thorup, Patti Smith, Michael Kvium, Christian Lemmerz, Martin Bigum, Peter Schaufuss og Den Kgl. Ballet. Top-Galia er ved siden af musikken aktiv som kunstnerisk leder og koncertarrangør hos artFREQ., en organisation, der skaber kunstmusikalske begivenheder. artFREQ. arrangerer primært koncerter med højt respekterede kultmusikere som f.eks. Nick Cave, Throbbing Gristle, Suicide og Diamanda Gálas på særlige københavnske lokaliteter. artFREQ. er indbudt af Copenhagen Contemporary og Christian Lemmerz som samarbejdspartner på præsentationen af 'Eyescape'.

Tak til Royal Beer for at bidrage. #RoyalØkologisk


On six evenings during the month of August it will be possible to experience the creation of the exhibition 'Eyescape', as artist Christian Lemmerz and guitarist Lars Top-Galia from the rock band Sort Sol engage in a unique collaborative improvisation. To the sound of Top-Galia’s guitar improvisations Lemmerz is going to create six 3x9m large paintings.
Thus each evening’s audio work and painting will make up a unique performance in themselves and, as something very much out of the ordinary, offer the audience a rare glimpse into the private and personal process that the creation of an artwork can be.

Lemmerz and Top-Galia’s improvisation can be experienced on August 21, 22 and 23 and again on August 28, 29 and 30. All performances will take place between the hours of 6 and 8 p.m. lasting, however, for as long as it takes Lemmerz to complete that evening’s painting.
On the nights in question there will be a bar offering guests free beer while stocks last and the chance to buy wine. The performance itself can be experienced free of charge on the presentation of a valid ticket.

After the six evening performances the exhibition will achieve its finished expression, but showing all the fresh traces of the raw nature of the process. In the 1,000 m2 big exhibition hall visitors will be able to experience Lemmerz’s paintings as monumental friezes while the loud speakers in the middle of the room will be playing Top-Galia’s guitar solos. 'Eyescape' will be a wordless manifestation of art as created through collaborative improvisation – a performative process frozen on the canvases and echoed in the playing of the musical improvisations.

The exhibition has been conceived with CC’s new Hall 5 in mind. It has received generous financial support from the Danish Arts Foundation and been realised in collaboration with artFREQ.

We emphasise that on the evenings of the performances film will be recorded with the purpose of documenting Lemmerz and Top-Galia's work.

Christian Lemmerz (b.1959) was born in Germany but now lives and works in Italy and Denmark. He began to draw at the Catholic boarding school which he attended as a boy and young man, and art became his escape from the strict religious atmosphere of the school. After having received training as a classical sculptor at the art academy in Carrara in Italy 1978-82, he was enrolled at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts from 1982-1986. Lemmerz expresses himself in various media: film, performance, sculpture, drawing, painting and installation works. He has explored unconventional materials as in his early margarine sculptures and slaughtered pigs displayed in glass cases at Esbjerg Kunstmuseum. Taking his starting-point in current social issues the artist expresses himself in traditional materials like bronze and marble in his sculptural work which is often based on the Renaissance and classical idiom. He sees himself first and foremost as a draughtsman, which becomes evident when he lets go on the canvas in front of CC’s audience. In a continuous study of the great existential subjects such as identity, love, suffering and death, his works also contain a number of Christian symbols including the crown of thorns and the naked Christ, and they often reference tabooed subjects as well as both present and historical events. Lemmerz was awarded a lifelong grant from the Danish Arts Foundation in 2010 and also received two important awards, namely Thorvaldsen Medaillen in 2009 and Eckersberg Medaillen in 1998. Major exhibitions include 'Limelight', Charlottenborg, 1986; Scene, Esbjerg Kunstmuseum, 1994; 'The White of the Eye', Kunstforeningen GL STRAND, 2001, and 'Genfærd', ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, 2010. His latest creations are several monumental works in marble and bronze, including the 3.5m high bronze sculpture 'Lazarus', donated to Bispebjerg Hospital by the New Carlsberg Foundation. Since 2017 Lemmerz has worked with virtual reality and created the works 'La Apparizione' and 'TRAUM' that have afterwards been shown in Italy, China, Germany and Denmark.

For 35 years Lars Top-Galia (b.1964) has worked chiefly as a composer and guitarist in the band Sort Sol. In this capacity he has made about 10 albums, toured large parts of the world as well as received a series of prizes and distinctions including 10 DMA Awards, most notably the lifetime artistic achievement award in 2017. Top-Galia has composed a number of the band’s most well-known classics like ’Let Your Fingers Do the Walking’, but also many far darker compositions such as the whole of Sort Sol’s latest highly critically acclaimed album 'Stor langsom stjerne' from 2017. His career (both as a solo artist and with band) furthermore includes a number of artistic collaborations with celebrities in film, dance, art, radio, TV and music: Jóhann Jóhannsson, Ole Bornedal, Link Wray, Stephen O’Malley, Martin Hall, Linda Wendel, Kirsten Thorup, Patti Smith, Michael Kvium, Christian Lemmerz, Martin Bigum, Peter Schaufuss and the Royal Danish Ballet. In addition to his musical efforts, Top -Galia works as an artistic director and concert manager at artFREQ., an organisation that creates art musical events. artFREQ chiefly organises concerts with highly respected cult musicians such as Nick Cave, Throbbing Gristle, Suicide and Diamanda Gálas in special Copenhagen venues. artFREQ. has been invited by Copenhagen Contemporary and Christian Lemmerz as a collaborator on the presentation of 'Eyescape'.

(Foto: Pressefoto)

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