Gemmeleg (Replik til fotograf Michael Drost-Hansen 's propaganda). Akryl på lærred. 40 gange 60 centimeter. 2016.
Om fotograf Michael Drost-Hansen fremgår følgende af fotografens hjemmeside:
"Michael Drost-Hansen (b. 1979) is a Danish freelance photojournalist based in Vejle, Denmark. He started his photographic career as a commercial photographer. After five years in the studio, he decided to move on and study photojournalism at the Danish School of Media and Journalism. As part of his education he worked 18 months as a photographer at the Danish daily newspaper, Jyllands-Posten.
Michael works passionately with many types of stories, but is particularly committed to stories concerning refugees and human rights. Amongst others he has worked with refugees in many places in Europe, vagabonds and dying people in Denmark and internally displaced people from the ethnic cleansing in Burma."
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