Gemmeleg i pixeleret udgave.
Fra Copenhagen Post:
"The controversial ‘Mohammed Cartoons’ artist Kurt Westergaard, whose work sparked outrage around the Muslim world in 2005 and 2006, is suing the controversial artist Uwe Max Jensen for 100,000 kroner.
Westergaard claims that Jensen was in breach of the copyright law when he painted his satirical depiction of the famous photo of a girl from Syria sitting down and playing with a Danish policeman as the first wave of refugees made their way along a Danish motorway last September."
Se også
Gemmeleg (Replik til fotograf Michael Drost-Hansen 's propaganda)
Homage til Kurt Westergaard og Michael Drost-Hansen (Viva La Pixels)
Flemming Rose 's De besatte - en afsløring af censur og selvcensur